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  • TA的每日心情
    2017-12-7 17:12
  • 签到天数: 18 天

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    发表于 2018-5-7 11:57:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
      1. A阶树脂:A-stage resin
      2. B阶树脂:B-stage resin
      3. C阶树脂:C-stage resin
      4. 环氧树脂:epoxy resin
      5. 酚醛树脂:phenolic resin
      6. 聚酯树脂:polyester resin
      7. 聚酰亚胺树脂:polyimide resin
      8. 双马来酰亚胺三嗪树脂:bismaleimide-triazine resin
      9. 丙烯酸树脂:acrylic resin
      10. 三聚氰胺甲醛树脂:melamine formaldehyde resin
      11. 多官能环氧树脂:polyfunctional epoxy resin
      12. 溴化环氧树脂:brominated epoxy resin
      13. 环氧酚醛:epoxy novolac
      14. 氟树脂:fluroresin
      15. 硅树脂:silicone resin
      16. 硅烷:silane
      17. 聚合物:polymer
      18. 无定形聚合物:amorphous polymer
      19. 结晶现象:crystalline polamer
      20. 双晶现象:dimorphism
      21. 共聚物:copolymer
      22. 合成树脂:synthetic
      23. 热固性树脂:thermosetting resin
      24. 热塑性树脂:thermoplastic resin
      25. 感旋光性树脂:photosensitive resin
      26. 环氧当量:weight per epoxy equivalent (WPE)
      27. 环氧值:epoxy value
      28. 双氰胺:dicyandiamide
      29. 粘结剂:binder
      30. 胶粘剂:adesive
      31. 固化剂:curing agent
      32. 阻燃剂:flame retardant
      33. 遮光剂:opaquer
      34. 增塑剂:plasticizers
      35. 不饱和聚酯:unsatuiated polyester
      36. 聚酯薄膜:polyester
      37. 聚酰亚胺薄膜:polyimide film (PI)
      38. 聚四氟乙烯:polytetrafluoetylene (PTFE)
      39. 聚全氟乙烯丙烯薄膜:perfluorinated ethylene-propylene copolymer film (FEP)
      40. 增强材料:reinforcing material
      41. 玻璃纤维:glass fiber
      42. E玻璃纤维:E-glass fibre
      43. D玻璃纤维:D-glass fibre
      44. S玻璃纤维:S-glass fibre
      45. 玻璃布:glass fabric
      46. 非织布:non-woven fabric
      47. 玻璃纤维垫:glass mats
      48. 纱线:yarn
      49. 单丝:filament
      50. 绞股:strand
      51. 纬纱:weft yarn
      52. 经纱:warp yarn
      53. 但尼尔:denier
      54. 经向:warp-wise
      55. 纬向:weft-wise, filling-wise
      56. 织物经纬密度:thread count
      57. 织物组织:weave structure
      58. 平纹组织:plain structure
      59. 坏布:grey fabric
      60. 稀松织物:woven scrim
      61. 弓纬:bow of weave
      62. 断经:end missing
      63. 缺纬:mis-picks
      64. 纬斜:bias
      65. 折痕:crease
      66. 云织:waviness
      67. 鱼眼:fish eye
      68. 毛圈长:feather length
      69. 厚薄段:mark
      70. 裂缝:split
      71. 捻度:twist of yarn
      72. 浸润剂含量:size content
      73. 浸润剂残留量:size residue
      74. 处理剂含量:finish level
      75. 浸润剂:size
      76. 偶联剂:couplint agent
      77. 处理织物:finished fabric
      78. 聚酰胺纤维:polyarmide fiber
      79. 聚酯纤维非织布:non-woven polyester fabric
      80. 浸渍绝缘纵纸:impregnating insulation paper
      81. 聚芳酰胺纤维纸:aromatic polyamide paper
      82. 断裂长:breaking length
      83. 吸水高度:height of capillary rise
      84. 湿强度保留率:wet strength retention
      85. 白度:whitenness
      86. 陶瓷:ceramics
      87. 导电箔:conductive foil
      88. 铜箔:copper foil
      89. 电解铜箔:electrodeposited copper foil (ED copper foil)
      90. 压延铜箔:rolled copper foil
      91. 退火铜箔:annealed copper foil
      92. 压延退火铜箔:rolled annealed copper foil (RA copper foil)
      93. 薄铜箔:thin copper foil
      94. 涂胶铜箔:adhesive coated foil
      95. 涂胶脂铜箔:resin coated copper foil (RCC)
      96. 复合金属箔:composite metallic material
      97. 载体箔:carrier foil
      98. 殷瓦:invar
      99. 箔(剖面)轮廓:foil profile
      100. 光面:shiny side
      101. 粗糙面:matte side
      102. 处理面:treated side
      103. 防锈处理:stain proofing
    104. 双面处理铜箔:double treated foil


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